The Known Formula.
We’ve done this enough times that we’ve formalised it into a framework – The Known Formula.
We identify the known knowns, the unknown knowns, and the unknown unknowns so that you can make decisions and investments on what’s known, not felt.
The key thing about our process is removing the risk by basing our work on what is actually known, not just felt or assumed. An occasional punt is one thing, but if you’re making a committed investment, reducing the risk of failure with a tried and trusted process makes sense.
Here’s a quick overview of what’s involved…
Before setting out a programme of activities – that might be weighted towards either brand building or lead generation, or an even split of the two – we conduct research and customer listening to ensure the recommended approach achieves the specific goals of your business, by meeting the needs of your audience.
Qualitative and quantitative research can hold the key to many questions, not just at the beginning of a project, but also to why existing campaigns haven’t been hitting the mark. We’ve helped our clients to uncover blockages to remaining on a specification and to cross-sell opportunities within Tier 1 contracts, simply by knowing which are the right questions to ask, and to whom.
From a fully bespoke research project, to dipping your toe in the water – we’ve outlined a few options here. We’ve even included access to a free download to get you started, if you have the inhouse skills and resource to undertake your own research!
Understanding where you are now, and how that fits within a competitive landscape, greatly increases the potential of success. You can’t skate towards the puck if you don’t know where the puck is. You could try but it’ll take longer, and cost more.
Our role is often to be the provider of objective opinion. To give perspective to a subject that is far too close to the leadership team. We’re happy to challenge, to mediate, to draw out … whatever it takes to help get your closer to your goal.
All our activities are built around a concept of execute, evaluate, evolve. Our success is centred around our clients’ success so we aren’t looking to simply fulfil our contractual duty. We are constantly looking to evaluate what’s worked, and to learn from what hasn’t, so that we can ensure we are always putting our focus where it needs to be.
Get in touch
Sound good?
Let’s talk.
Call us on 01892 956470 or email info@mortonwaters.com. Alternatively, complete the form below and we’ll get back to you.