Lead generation.

Being as visible as possible to your potential prospects is half of the goal, the other half is attracting them into your network so you can have continued conversations with them in the channels they prefer.

Lead generation can take place in your owned, earned and paid channels, where the driver is to capture the prospects’ details to enable future communications. Understanding their motivations and focusing on the benefits of working with you will be more effective than simply stating the features of your service or product.

Critically, you need to be clear on who is a good target, and who isn’t, so that efforts can be focused in only attracting the prospects for your sales teams to add to the pipeline. The phrasing and context of communications is as useful in weeding out poor prospects who would otherwise waste resource as it is in attracting those who are actively seeking the solution you can offer.

Your website is your most valuable marketing tool. It’s the first place prospective customers look when evaluating your products and/or services. They come looking for evidence and reassurance that you’re their best choice. If your website doesn’t provide this, you’re missing a trick and could be leaving money on the table.

Having a great website is the first step, and we have a process which makes the web projects we work on as straightforward as possible for clients – find out more here.

But, just having a website isn’t enough, it also needs to be visible. The primary step in visibility is making sure you rank well in search engines like Google. A lot of our clients believe that their customers don’t search for services like theirs, but websites not only introduce but also enable contact-free initial research, something that is growing in appeal year on year.

Consistently producing great content which is valued highly by your target customer is a mainstay of our campaigns. Whether it’s thought leadership articles, case studies or company news, our process of creation has been honed to be highly efficient so it doesn’t drain your time, yet results in content that is specific to your business. Engaging content opens doors and nurtures relationships.

Case studies, in particular, are a great way for you to showcase the scale and scope of projects you work on. But, when you’ve got a never-ending to do list, it’s easy for them to be deprioritised. We can help!

We’ve created three packages to keep things simple for you.

Whether you have a database of 200 or 20,000, email marketing is the most cost-effective tool in the digital marketing armoury. Quality of content is vital, however, as inboxes are overflowing with sales messages and advertising. What we’re looking for is to strike a chord with the recipient, to show you understand their business and what they are facing.

A highly effective lead generation tool, social media enables you to reach a wide audience. But, the keys to success are to listen to what your audience wants and to deliver it in an engaging format. The algorithms favour posts with participation, so building a campaign around that is important. But, it’s just as important to recognise that B2B audiences don’t always ‘like’ even when they click.

Whether to act as an initial introduction to your company or to retarget those who have already shown some interest, advertising in social channels can be highly targeted to sector, demographic, location, even job title, to maximise conversion from your key personas and focus spend where it is most effective.

Media coverage has a powerful impact.  We’ve seen time and time again how coverage in a target publication results in uplifts in sales, in both a B2B and B2C capacity.  It’s not just awareness raising, it’s obtaining critical third party endorsement from a trusted source. As such it’s not something that market-leading publications just give away, it’s got to be earned with relevant information, understanding of the customer and the sector needs, and knowledge of the target media.

Many of these lead generation tactics will also have an impact on brand building, and vice versa, so make sure you check out the services under brand building too.

Brand building

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